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β-Pompilidotoxin slows the inactivation of neuronal Navs

β-Pompilidotoxin was isolated from the venoms of two wasps, Anoplius amariensis and Batozonellus maculifrons. This short peptide slows the inactivation of neuronal sodium channels and does not affect cardiac sodium channels.


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AA sequence:  Arg-Ile-Lys-Ile-Gly-Leu-Phe-Asp-Gln-Leu-Ser-Arg-Leu-NH2
Length (aa): 13
Formula:   C71H124N22O17
Appearance: White lyophilized solid
Molecular Weight: 1557.91 Da
CAS number: 216064-36-7
Source: Synthetic
Purity rate: > 99%

For research use only

  • OD1: selective Nav1.7 activator
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  • Magloire V., et al. (2011) β-pompilidotoxin modulates spontaneous activity and persistent sodium currents in spinal networks. Neuroscience.
  • Yokota H., et al (2001) Modulation of synaptic transmission in hippocampal CA1 neurons by a novel neurotoxin (β-pompilidotoxin) derived from wasp venom. Neuroscience Research
  • Kinoshita E., et al. (2001) Novel Wasp Toxin Discriminates between Neuronal and Cardiac Sodium Channels. Mol. Pharmaco.
  • Konno K., et al. (1998) Isolation and Structure of Pompilidotoxins, Novel Peptide Neurotoxins in Solitary Wasp Venoms. Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

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